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A leader of outdoor gear,
Timberland as a brand arrived on the boots scene in 1965 with its then innovative injection-molding technology. In 1973, it created its first waterproof boots but it was in the 90s that its boots became synonymous with hip-hop and urban culture. Today, it is an impeccable choice to get the shoe game up for any urbane and stylish man. Their rugged and dependable line of waterproof shoes would keep your feet absolutely dry and comfortable both in rain and shine. Feel free to climb mountains or hike the toughest of trails or anything else that Mother Nature throws at you without any concerns for your feet. For those scouting the city streets, you can be confident of getting your fashion game point on with these boots.
Their premium handcrafted boots crafted from finest leathers or the light weight boots, ideal to grace just about any occasion is bound to turn heads wherever you go. With a vintage feel and a modern vibe, these practical and long lasting boots will complement just about any outfit, casual, formal or party wear.